How to find accommodation in Germany as International Student.

Peace be upon you, Dilawar bhai. Everything is strange. I contacted you from the Facebook group, Alia from the Berlin one. Yes, yes, I am fine. The situation is very bad; in fact, I just came from Pakistan earlier today. When I came, I got accommodation in the first month, but now on the 30th, I had to vacate it. A message also came that I cannot stay there even for 30 nights in my life.

Current Situation

Jhal ji, I am a student. Yes, whether I am single or married, anything will be fine. Right now, the situation is that we need it, then we will find out the e-paper and will give it. Shadow will do; there is no problem. Please tell me the purse candy quickly.

Thank you very much, and remember please, it is okay to put it. God protect you.

Accommodation in Germany

This was my situation when I first came to Germany. There is a connection, but you do not need to worry; I will tell you how you will get accommodation. First of all, there will be a difference between a small town and a big city. In small towns, there is no problem in getting accommodation; they get it easily. If you get it permanently, students should apply on the same day they receive their enrollment letter.

Do you know that the Dara University Scheme helps in providing accommodation to the students? If you get enrollment like you, you have to apply there. People from small towns get a response in a normal amount of time or in a week or two.

Accommodation in Big Cities

It’s okay, brother; there is space available. If you start today, then you can get it permanently. But in big cities, the real affair is there. What happens there is that the restaurant has made a ‘U’ where if you submit your application, you get in the line. Whatever the line is, it depends on how clear it is, how much advance the application is, and it depends on the city.

Just like Berlin, in big cities, the accommodation problems are very high, so the line here is very long. In Berlin, there is a waiting time of 18 months, but it depends on the celebration. After hitting the lemon juice torrent, there are many locations; it depends on which one should one wait for.

Travel and Commute

If you plan for this, and if the location is a death center location, there will be a long wait. You may have to wait for 18 months if you plan for this. If they are a little far away, then their waiting time is less. So it depends on how soon you want the apartment.

After that, we will take your references, and we will apply there. That person has to travel a lot; people travel for an hour to reach their university. Why are there fewer auditions? If it is a little far from the city, then it will be cheaper too.

SIM Activation and Ticketing

Soon, you will also get the last SIM activated, which gets recovered within the mission. You do not need to book a new ticket; instead, you can travel as much as you want. From now on, the ticket will be included from the same time. If you happen to travel, then let’s talk about who that is.

First, you will apply for a restaurant and bus. If there is a long queue for second-year students, then you will go towards the private option. There are many methods in the private option. If you go to search, I will tell you some of them here.

Finding Connections

First, go to Facebook and see if there is someone connected to you. If you live in any city, you will find some connection from there. In big cities, it is difficult to get competition; if some of his charity is spread, you will do this till night, etc., and tell them, “Please do something about accommodation.”

Secondly, the way Facebook groups have started from Pakistan to Pakistani cities, you will get it from where you are. Some people will search for you so that you can find someone from there.

Be Cautious of Scammers

You have to be careful about scammers in the country. If it is enough, then you should be cautious about this. Another way is a famous website called Jasmine, often used for finding accommodations.

If you post on the website, here you will see people applying for this. You have to send your proposal that you want to live here and what your quality is. If you post your ad, it should be a complete detail about yourself and your roommates.

Writing Proposals

You have to write your proposal well. It’s important to show how nice you are and to keep the apartment clean. The landlord will reply to you, and getting a reply is also a success. If you get a conversation about the apartment, a contract will be made like this, and then you will play it.

Additional Websites

There are other websites for finding rooms; you have to reply to each one. I have told you how to respond, and there is only one way to be true: keep responding continuously.

If you are an elder, you can be found in hostels as well. At the end of the day, decide which room you want, private or shared. The pricing depends on the duty, but normally this is a hostel for a short stay.


If all the options given to you are not working and you are not getting any responses, then go to the last option, the airplane pier or support home website. Write your request there, and often here is the initial setup for these.

If you find some apartments near the city, we will use this option.

If nothing works out for you, never worry about your balance. If your brother comes, this amount can help. If any friend has an extra room, you can make some changes here and there.

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